
Friday, 5 December 2014

What Is This!!!

The Blob fish spends it life blobbing around in the dark.
It has been killed by fishing nets.It lives in the ocean by
south-eastern  Australia.

I think no one likes this ugly fish because of  how it looks like.
If I went to Australia I would never swim to the sea bed.

Friday, 21 November 2014

What Do You Think

New bank notes from the Reserve Bank.(Summary)
For the first time in 15 years they have changed the New Zealand notes into this!.They have spent 80 Million dollars  to change them.

New bank notes from the Reserve Bank.I think that the old money we used to have will
probably go to waste.


Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Would You!

IT all started when two teenagers went shopping for cabbages. They bought lots and lots of them then they got lazy then put a leash on it then started pulling,people
were so surprised so they started taking pictures.
I think they just wanted to be famous.
Next will be taking your phone and apple for a walk!!
Screenshot 2014-11-18 at 12.01.44 PM.png

Monday, 17 November 2014

Worlds Most Expensive Stamp

The stamp is not an ordinary stamp. It is the worlds most expensive one and was first found by a 12 year old scottish boy living in British  Guiana in 1873. It could sell for between 6 million to 12 million U.S dollars. This auction will take place in New York,America.

I think that this is an ordinary stamp but is hard to find these days… “I wonder why it’s so expensive?”

Friday, 14 November 2014

Manaiakalani Stonefilds School

Screenshot 2014-11-14 at 10.20.09 AM.png
Yesterday when we went to the film festival we watched only a selection of movies.the best was StoneField, The movie was about How To Survive  A Day At School,How  To Not Survive A Test,And how To Survive A Bully.The bepart of this film was How To Survive A Bully.  
I thought all the movies were good,my favorite was the first one this one.
there were lots of movies but we only watcedh a selection of movies.It was great being able to be there.


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Have You Seen The President On Halloween

4500 local children went to the White House on Halloween. The children that came all received treats including cookies and jelly beans from President Obama.


I think the children that went were very lucky to meet the President of the US,not all people can meet the President.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Poo Powers Homes!

It has been found that poo can power homes and it's all powered by a machine that breaks the poo  down into little pieces.
It goes to another machine that turns it into liquid,which then powers a machine that powers your house.    


I think that this is yuck and cool at the same time,I never thought that poo can power houses.

Friday, 17 October 2014

If I Had To Change Something At School

  If I had to change something in school it would be the time when students go home, instead of 2:45 it would be 4:44 because the students will then have more playtime and extra learning to do, and its better for them.
     I think this is a very good idea because when they grow up they will have a better education and this gets them a better job. They won’t walk home alone, they could just take the school bus. I think this is another good idea because some kids can go missing.
    I think the families will like this too. The school bus will only cost $5 for a week, and the extra hours at school will be free.If you do have to stay over these hours it’ll cost $2. Make sure you come with extra lunch.
If you had to change something a school  what would you change?

An Odd Parrot

nigelA grey parrot who spoke only English, went missing for 4 years before returning home speaking Spanish!.

I think this grey parrot spent a lot of time in Spain before coming home speaking Spanish, But then he went missing again!. Click Here for more information.

Monday, 13 October 2014

The Largest Hamburger In The World!!!

world's biggest cheeseburger
This big hamburger weighs up to 2,014Ib and is 10 feet long. Philip Robertson was the man who made this huge hamburger.

I think that the huge hamburger can feed all the  people easily in the picture.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

My Tessellation

This Is what I create in room 11,it was hard to put it in place and to make the circle.

Roller Coaster Rides For Little Kids

rollercoasterThe best dad ever has own a roller coaster in Canada,$3,500 gone just to build a roller coaster.
I think that  the dad who made must of loved his son just a little too much.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

LG TVs took it to a new level,they have made a  flexible TV and is so thin its 18 inch.
Their new invention has surprised the world,you could only buy this on 2017.
It looks like its very hard to make,it amazed me when I saw this,I Haven’t Seen Anything Like This… And I want one!

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Where Am I Going In The Future

We have learned to create our own future footprint. 
My future footprint will show me travelling the world!

Monday, 8 September 2014

capsuleThey found the picture of the house and it was dated 2002.The couple says that this was very unusual finding the picture of the old couple who lived here before them.
I think that this is very interesting,for the couple to find an old newspaper and a letter  with it.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Bags Of Money

Money got tipped over on the grass ,until someone notice  that there were money in the bags ,then they called the police to come and do something about it , and they did. The money got transferred as police supervised.

I think the person who called the police should’ve just run away with the bags of money.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Ghost Living In A House

Thomas was going on a tour ,he took lots of picture when he found a figure of a ghost .
The parents lock the girl away in one of the rooms until she died because she was ill  .
Lotus Hall home to the Tottenham family in 1766 .

I really think that this is true ,and that there is a girl living in the house ,now people are starting to try and talk to the girl ,and ask what happened to her, and in the house. They have recorded some short videos of the girl in the house.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

World Pea Shooting Champs

pea shooting champsThe championships have taken place in Witcham in Cambridgeshire, where they challenge each other,  Rob Bresler and Helen Phillips have been winning most of their games in 2013.

I think this is a fun game to play, you have to have a good eye and a good strow to shoot. Some people that play this  sometimes use a laser, but its still not cheating. I think the people who use lasers should be banned because the laser shows them where they are aiming.

Monday, 25 August 2014

The Oldest man I Know!

oldest manHis name is Sakari Momoi the oldest man in the world. He moved to Saitama in Tokyo then moved to New York  were he lives  with his wife. He was born on February the 5th 1903.

I think he is the luckiest man in world because most people don't live that long. I think this man is not going to die until he is 200 years old. He's the oldest man I know.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Worlds Stranges Creature

It took  scientists  almost 40 years to study this strange creature,
helcigenniaIt looks like this strange creature came from outer space. Its strange because you can not tell which is the front and which is the back. I think the sharp end of it is very poisonous. I haven't seen a creature like this before.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Rats May Grow As Big As Cats

Over time scientists say that rats could grow as big as cats,even the size of an sheep even and dogs,  Scientists say that rat would just grow bigger and bigger and bigger over time, that they can grow as big as capybara, Scientists say “if this happens you will have to stay indoors all times”. People think that rats are not helpful but rats help the police to find people that committed a crime by sniffing out the gunshot. At this stage rats help the police by sniffing out people that has used a gun.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

How To Play Basketball

Basketball is a great sport to play, its all about teamwork.People go basketball training to learn how to get better at it.
How to shoot the ball in the hoop?
To shoot the ball make sure that you hold the ball right, then form a W  with your fingers, lift it up over your head then push but make sure that you aim  it towards  the hoop. If you don’t get it in that’s ok, just keep on trying and you will get better.
How to dribble the ball ?
You don’t run with the ball, you do not kick the ball, you dribble the ball  towards the hoop. Dribble  means that you hold the ball in one hand and bounce  it on the ground then it will come back to your hand-repeat that over and over and that’s how to dribble..
How to play basketball in a team ?
To play basketball you make two teams and have 5 players in each and choose which basket you're team will score goals in. Get two players in the center and throw  the ball as high as you can, then they can try to push the ball to their team-dribble the ball, pass to your teammates and shoot baskets. Basketball is a great team sport.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Our New Password

Today everyone is  going to make their own school google account password on their chromebook. I think that it’s a very good idea  because if all our passwords were the same someone could hack in easier and take away the work we did online. We are not allowed to tell other people our password.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Shopping Down South

On Saturday I was dead asleep but mum woke me up about  5:30am to drop off my step dad at work. After that we went to my aunt’s  house and it was so cold when we got there. I ran inside and played last card with my 3 cousins.  My mum and aunt told all of us that we are going shopping  and  it’s going to take the whole day.
     My aunt doesn't like the shops in GI & PANMURE. She likes the shops down south She likes them better  because they sell cooler stuff and are nicer than the shops in GI &  PANMURE.  My mum and aunt bought us a lot of food . It took us about 5 hours to finish shopping because  my aunt kept dragging us around to find shops that she likes. When we came back it was night time.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

What You Should Check Before You Publish and Keep Private

When we share online we will make smart decisions about what personal information we share
  • I will use my first name only
  • I am going to think carefully about what I share online and if I am not sure I will  ask my parents, teachers or principal.
  • If I can’t ask anyone or I am not sure I will  keep it private
  • I will be sharing what I am learning, new knowledge and information relevant to my learning

We have been learning to  make smarter decision on what we had shared online and what you have to check before publishing you work.
“For example check your spelling and that your sentences make sense,
and not that much punctuations in you work”.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

What I Like

Hi my name is Pita and I have no pets but I would like to have one. My favourite subject at school is maths because I love solving number problems faster. My favourite sport is rugby and my favourite band is Linkin Park. My favourite food are fruits and KFC ‘’Mmmmmm, they’re so nice!’’.
One day I would like to travel around the world and the one place I would like to go to is Tonga. In my spare time I like to read books and write stories.